Here To Help Clients To A Better Future

Standing Up For The Rights Of Pregnant Women In California

Employers are not allowed to ask their employees if they are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. It should go without saying that they are barred from taking action against pregnant workers or placing their livelihood in jeopardy as a result of a current or pending pregnancy. Unfortunately, pregnancy discrimination remains a fact of life for too many women in California.

At Makarem & Associates, we empower the victims of pregnancy discrimination and help them assert their rights. If you were discriminated against or harassed by your employer as a result of your pregnancy or pregnancy-related disability, you can rely on us to level the playing field and hold your employer accountable for their wrongdoing.

Pregnancy And The Law

The law is very clear on pregnancy discrimination at the state and federal level.

It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against a female employee because she has become pregnant and/or requires reasonable accommodations due to her pregnancy. If you need assistance or modifications to job duties as a result of your pregnancy, your employer must engage in a good faith, interactive process with you to arrive at a conclusion that allows you to maintain your employment without placing your health or your unborn child’s health at risk. Your employer also has a duty to provide reasonable post-pregnancy accommodations, such as a safe place to pump.

Let Us Help Make Things Right

If your employer has retaliated against you or terminated you because of your pregnancy or related accommodation request, or has refused to provide you with reasonable accommodations, we can help you assert your rights. Your deadline to file a complaint may be fast approaching so don’t wait. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential consultation.