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What is Virtual Workplace Harassment?

by | May 23, 2023 | Articles, Employment Law


At the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic many workplaces were quick to adopt a work from home schedule for their employees.  While working from home has its comforts, it has also resulted in a rise in virtual workplace harassment.  While most people would imagine workplace harassment to be physical, or something said verbally in a meeting, it can very often occur virtually as well.  


Why has There Been an Increase in Virtual Workplace Harassment?

One of the possible reasons for the increase in virtual harassment has to do with a depreciation of the workplace culture.  When employees enter a workplace, they’re more likely to have a change in mindset as they settle into work, and mentally establish a professional behavior.  However when working from home, the mindsets of personal and professional begin to blur.  This could lead to employees feeling more open to making a harassing remark, or that they could harass another employee without facing consequences since the harassment is very remote.


Why is Virtual Workplace Harassment Difficult for Employees to Overcome?

Employees that are harassed virtually often feel that even if they were to complain about it to their supervisors, that they wouldn’t have enough evidence to prove that it happened.  Many employees will also be more willing to let forms of harassment slide due to fears of retaliation.  Virtual harassment could also occur outside of working hours.  This could be via email, or a zoom call at an odd hour.  


What can I do if I’m Experiencing Virtual Workplace Harassment?

If you feel that you’re a victim of virtual workplace harassment and your employer isn’t doing enough to stop it, then call our law firm today! The attorneys at Makarem & Associates, APLC have decades of experience in workplace harassment, and regardless of whether the harassment is virtual we are still committed to supporting a safe workplace for everyone.  Call us for a free consultation at 800-610-9646, or send us an email at [email protected].