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Already Too Many DUI Wrongful Deaths in 2014

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2014 | Articles

It’s really sad to say, but there have been a larger number drunk driving deaths already in 2014. It’s even sadder to say that many of these deaths were people who didn’t deserve to die. But, because someone chose to be careless and irresponsible while drinking then decided that they’d get behind the wheel and drive, the results have been devastating to many families across the US lately.

It’s already happened right here in California a few times this month. One man on a motorcycle was killed after a guy who was too drunk to know how to pay for his food (he tried to pay with a health care card at the drive thru window) sped off and hit him in an intersection. Two drunk drivers ran into each other head-on a few weeks back on Osgood road, but that wasn’t the worst part of the story. One of them was a 33-year-old mother (someone who should be old enough to know better) named Patricia Serratos who paid the ultimate price for her uncaring attitude when her 4-year-old baby girl got killed in the accident. Not only was she too drunk to drive, but she was also too intoxicated to remember to strap her little girl down in the back car seat.

Wrongful deaths caused by drunk drivers happen all the time from the West coast to the East. In South Carolina, there was another incident that separated two more children from their mom, only this time it was an innocent parent that was killed. At the tender age of 27, Crystal Grizzard was taken away from her family forever as Austin Cedar, a man who wasn’t even old enough to drink in the first place, hit her head on, killing the Applebee’s manager instantly.

People inside vehicles are not the only victims of wrongful deaths caused by drunk drivers. Some intoxicated motorists hit pedestrians, and are sometimes so intoxicated that they keep driving after they the accident. According to the Dallas News, that’s exactly what 29-year-old Justin Lott did when he struck Oklahoma State student Kasey Wachoff. It’s a shame that this smart young woman had to lose her life because someone decided to drive their car after drinking too much.

The innocent victims who have died in wrongful death cases due to drunk drivers will be remembered by their families and friends forever, but their passing could have been avoided. If you or anyone you know has been affected by the unfair death of a loved one due to a careless drunk driver, please contact one of the wrongful death attorneys at Makarem and Associates directly at 310.312.0299 or by email at [email protected].